Over the past few years, with the explosion of streaming media, the supply of internet packets has become increasingly in short supply. Wait what?!?!?!? That’s what the ISP’s want you to believe, as they continue to find ways to make you pay for your internet traffic in your home. As the cell phone companies already do, they sell you on this unlimited plan, that has a hard limit in most cases, now your home ISP’s are learning the same lesson. Cox Communications, the third largest Cable company is now charging you for data that exceeds their 1 TB data allotment. Now in their defense, they never said their data was unlimited. Before they have provided you a letter warning that if you go over your allotment of data for three consecutive months, they will turn your service off, yes off. Now if you go over the 1 TB data allotment, they will charge you $10 for every 50 GB’s you go over. Or you can pay an additional $50 per month for unlimited. Which would take their high-end internet service offering from $99 per month to $149. This is an interesting development. I know in my household we use a ton of data with Netflix, Youtube, HBOGO and many other streaming media outlets we come very close to the 1TB of data every month. I for one would be interested in what your thoughts are about this change. Do you like the change? Are these reasonable fees? I would also love to know if any of you know how to find just how much data you are using every month.
If you don’t know how to check here you go:
If you are a Cox subscriber, your login to your account at cox.net, click the dropdown arrow by the “my account” button at the top of the page. Then under the “My Tools” section is a “data Usage Meter” link. Below you can find a link to the arstechnica full article for more information. https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2017/08/cox-starts-charging-50-extra-per-month-for-unlimited-data/