1 Phoenix Search Engine Optimization - Phoenix SEO Firm

Phoenix Search Engine Optimization

Ten Things to Know about Search Engine Optimization Phoenix

Print media corporations all over the globe such as New Times and the Arizona Republic are dying. These companies are all suffering from the same issue. Readerships and subscribers are down and will continue to drop like a rock. There are many reasons for this trend. With the invention of the “Smartphone”, thank you Steve Jobs, the average consumer no longer turns to the yellow pages or local newspapers for information of any kind. Today we pick up our phones, tablets, or if you are old school, use your desktop to find the services and goods that we need. We do this by typing into our favorite search engine, google, exactly what we are in need of to find the best solution to our problems of that very moment.

So how do we as business owners take full advantage of this consumer behavior and get our products and services in front of the right potential clients? Local Search Engine Optimization is by far the most effective method. Let us take Phoenix Search Engine Optimization as an example and go through a list of ten things you should do to improve your chances to get your site on the first page of the search results:

1. Pick the right platform for your website

Understanding there are some companies out there that are attempting to water down the importance of a good website. Look at companies like Weebly, Squarespace, Wix, and many others that will provide a very inexpensive and good-looking website. These sites will not allow you to effectively manipulate the code on your site which prevents you from ever coming up on the first page of the search engine results for any terms including search engine optimization Phoenix.

2. Design and Navigation

Whomever you go with for web development, make sure they have a good understanding of SEO. We continually come across customers that do not realize that they are on the first page of Google for very relevant search terms and they are about to redevelop their website. If you as a business owner select someone that is a fantastic designer but has not the first clue about Phoenix Search Engine Optimization, there is a very good chance you will lose positions from doing so and therefore lose out on potential business. So when considering to redevelop your website make sure the developer knows how to prevent your website from losing it’s current rank. NOT ALL WEB DESIGNERS are created equal. Here is a Guide from Google on steps to moving your website.

Of course they still leave out some important parts about the redevelopment process such as “make sure the test site is not indexable” this is important as the test site will be on a different URL and you will get dinged for duplicate content if it is indexed by the search engines prior to launch.

Next week I will continue this discussion of our top ten things to know about Phoenix Search Engine Optimization.