
Latest news in the industry.
SEO Phoenix AZ
Google’s latest update


As many of you are aware google has been talking about changing both Google Places as well as Google +. No one knew exactly what changes were going to take place nor did anyone really know when these changes would take place. Well early last week Google changed the way local results were displayed. Before […]

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Local SEO Company Phoenix
Local SEO Versus National


Over the years we have received a great number of questions asked about which is more important, Local SEO or National SEO. Most often the answer to this question is a direct reflection of the business the person is in that is asking the question. Most often the business gains the majority of its clients […]

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Search Engine Optimization AZ
Search Engine Optimization Phoenix Part 5


Hello again and welcome back to our Ten Things to know about Phoenix Search Engine Optimization. Last week we spoke about the importance of on-page and off-page optimization and how these are both important and effective. This week in our 5th and final installment of Ten Things to Know about Phoenix Search Engine Optimization, we […]

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Search Engine Optimization Arizona
Search Engine Optimization Phoenix


Welcome back for our fourth installation to our multi-part series on our Ten Things to know about Search Engine Optimization Phoenix. Last week we focused on content and keeping the content changing and fresh like our businesses. A businesses website is a living breathing representation of the companies they represent. Make them personal, professional, and […]

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